• Audiology Consultant

We provide support to Audiologists and other professionals with:

  • Clinical assessment, diagnosis, and audiological testing of tinnitus and hyperacusis.

  • Managing referrals for tinnitus and hyperacusis.

  • Hearing aid set up and support for tinnitus and hyperacusis.

  • Setting hearing aid in-built maskers for tinnitus and hyperacusis.

  • Tinnitus and hyperacusis management (short and long term).

  • Special considerations for clients with brain injury.

  • Working with ACC for trauma claims.

  • Misophonia, auditory hallucinations, TTTS (tonic tensor tympani syndrome).

  • For all training sessions CEP certificates can be provided.

For further details on our services or to arrange a training session please enquire below.

Including public talks, specialist training sessions, presentations, and reviews

Healthify He Puna Waiora (formerly Heath Navigator NZ) support for app reviews, 2023.

Sound Oasis, U.S. review of sleep sound therapy system, July 2023.

Family Hearing Centre, Auckland, August 2023.

Advantage South Rehabilitation Centre, August 2023.

Hearing Nelson (Hearing Association), World Hearing Day public presentations, March 2023.

Ear Nurse Specialists Conference, Whangarei, November 2022.

Public presentations 2023: Summerset Retirement Village (Residents), Otorohunga Medical Centre (GPs and Nurses), Hillcrest Medical Centre (GPs and Nurses), Bupa Foxbridge Retirement Village (Residents), Lyceum House (Members), Putaruru Friendship Club (Members).

APM Rehabilitation Services, Auckland, September 2021.

ABI Rehabilitation New Zealand, Auckland, October 2020.

Habit Health Concussion Service, Auckland, August 2020.

Tinnitus Workshop, for Audiologists, University of Auckland, November 2021.

Ear Health Conference, Auckland, August 2017.

Consultancy services to date:



